The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31859   Message #415508
Posted By: Allan C.
11-Mar-01 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you do it for pleasure or money?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you do it for pleasure or money?
Either will do nicely, thank you. *G*

Seriously, on the few occasions upon which I have been (under)paid, it was kinda nice to walk away with a spendable token of appreciation. But I have enjoyed the free appearances just as much.

Long ago I had my car fixed at a small, independent shop. When the owner handed me the bill, I was astounded at the low price. I was so shocked, in fact, that I actually told him that it hardly seemed as though he was charging enough.

"I ain't out to make no killin'" he answered.

This guy really enjoyed what he did for a living and only wanted to make enough to cover expenses and pay himself a relatively modest salary.

If I thought I could make a dollar or two while fly-fishing, well, I'd think it was really cool! I would feel that way about any hobby. So I guess what it comes down to is that music IS a hobby for me. If I were really expecting to rely upon it for income, then I would feel quite differently, I am sure. But even so, I still wouldn't be "out to make no killin'"