[Mari]. Qu'allais-tu faire à la fontaine
Corbleu*, Marion
Qu'allais-tu faire à la fontaine ?
[Femme] -J'étais allée quérir de l'eau mon Dieu, mon ami.
J'étais allée quérir de l'eau.
[M] -Mais qui est-ce donc qui te parlait ?
[F] -C'était la fille de not' voisine.
[M] -Les femmes ne portent pas d' culottes** !
[F] -C'était sa jupe entortillée.
[M] -Les femmes ne portent pas d'épée !
[F] -C'était son fuseau qui pendait.
[M] -Les femmes ne portent pas d' moustaches !
[F] -C'étaient des mûres qu'elle mangeait.
[M] -Le mois de mai n'a pas de mûres !
[F] -C'était une branche d'automne.
[M] -Va m'en quérir une assiettée
[F] -Les oiseaux les ont toutes mangées !
[M] -Alors, je te coup'rai la tête
[F] -Alors, que ferez-vous du reste ?
[M] -Je le jett'rai par la fenêtre
[F] -Adroite et souple je saurai être.
[M] -Vite, sans crier, fais ta prière
[F] -Mettrez au moins mes os en terre ?
[M] -Pour une fois je te pardonne
[F] -Pour une fois et pour bien d'autres.WHAT DID YOU GO AT THE FOUNTAIN FOR?
[Husband] "What did you go at the fountain for?
Zounds, Marion!
What did you go at the fountain for?"
[Wife] "I'd gone to fetch some water. My God, my dear!
I'd gone to fetch some water."
[H] "But who was speaking to you?"
[W] "It was our neighbor's daughter."
[H] "Women don't wear pants."
[W] "It was her wrapped skirt."
[H] "Women don't carry a sword."
[W] "It was her spindle that was hanging."
[H] "Women don't have a moustache."
[W] "It was blackberries she was eating."
[H] "The month of May has no blackberries"
[W] "It was an autumn branch."
[H] "Go fetch me a plateful."
[W] "The birds have eaten them all."
[H] "Then I'll cut your head off!"
[W] "And then, what will you do with the rest?"
[H] "I'll throw it through the window!"
[W] "I'll know how to be handy and supple!"
[H] "Quick, without crying, say your prayer!"
[W] "Will you at least bury my bones?"
[H] "For once, I forgive you."
[W] "For once and many other times."
*"Corbleu" was an euphemism for "Corps de Dieu" (God's body)
**"culotte" used to mean "men's pants/breeches" while nowadays it means women's panties
This song is said to be from the 17th century. Eugène Rolland (1846-1909) collected some more in several areas in France in at least 3 languages (= more than 3 dialects!) in his Recueil de chansons populaires, 2 (1883) -with scores.
Here is an Occitan version of the song
*Per Diu = "by God", "Sanc Diu" "[by] God's blood", "Còrblu", from the French "Corbleu" euphemism for "Corps de Dieu" ([by] God's body). Cf. the French "Palsambleu, corbleu…" in which "bleu" replaces "Dieu".
[Òme] Ont èras tu tantòst anada?
Per Diu! Sanc Diu! Còrblu!* Marion!
Ont èras tu tantòst anada?
[Femna]-Al jardin culir d'ensalada.
Jèsus! Mon Diu! Jèsus! Mon amic!
Al jardin culir d'ensalada.
[Ò] -Qual es que te fasiá companha?
[F]- Èra ben lèu ma sòr l'ainada.
[Ò] -Las femnas pòrtan pas de bragas.
[F] -Éra sa farda retroçada
[Ò] -Las femnas pòrtan pas d'espasa.
[F] -Es sa conolha que fialava.
[Ò] -Las femnas pòrtan pas mostachas.
[F] -Éra d'amoras que minjava
[Ò] -D'amoras n'i a pas per gelada.
[F] -Éran de l'annada passada.
[Ò] -Vai te'n me'n quèrre una assietada.
[F] -Los aucelons las an minjadas
[Ò] -Tu n'es una garça provada!
[F] -Non! La soi pas encara estada.
[Ò] -E ieu te coparai la crèsta!
[F] -E puèi que faràs tu del reste?
[Ò] -Lo jetarai per la fenèstra!
[F] -Los aucelons ne faràn fèsta!MARION'S RIPOSTES
[Husband] "Where did you go lately?
By God! Damnit! Zounds! Marion!
Where did you go lately?"
[Wife] "To the garden to pick salad.
Jesus! My God! Jesus! My dear!
To the garden to pick salad."
[H] "Who kept you company?"
[W] "It was maybe my elder sister."
[H] "Women don't wear pants."
[W] "It was her rolled-up skirt."
[H] "Women don't carry a sword."
[W] "It was the distaff she was spinning."
[H] "Women don't have a moustache."
[W] "It was blackberries she was eating."
[H] "There's no blackberries when there's frost."
[W] "They were from last year."
[H] "Go fetch me a plateful."
[W] "The little birds have eaten them."
[H] "You're a proven bitch!"
[W] "No! I'm not one yet!"
[H] "I'll cut your crest off!"
[W] "And then, what will you do with the rest?"
[H] "I'll throw it through the window!"
[W] "The little birds will have a feast!"
There are different tunes to this song though the lyrics are more or less the same.
There are also French versions such as the one above
Louis Lambert (1835-1908) collected a few versions in his "Chants et chansons populaires du Languedoc, 2" (1906) -with scores.
Recording of a slightly different version by Laüsa, a Gascon band + its live rendition
Here is a live rendition of another version by the late Jean-Marie and Odette Vidalenc.
Another one by the late Henriette Durand.
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