The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131018   Message #4156265
Posted By: GerryM
24-Oct-22 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: Slim Dusty and Australian Folk Music
Subject: RE: Slim Dusty and Australian Folk Music
Here's a list a Henry Lawson poems set to music by Slim Dusty, taken from Chris Kempster's book, Songs of Henry Lawson:

Andy's Return
The Ballad of the Drover
Mount Bukaroo
Middleton's Rouseabout
A Word to Texas Jack
A Prouder Man than You
Peter Anderson and Co.
Since Then
The Men who Come Behind
The Old Jimmy Woodser
Second Class Wait Here
The Brass Well
Break o'Day
As Good as New
Do You Think that I Do Not Know?
Callaghan's Hotel
On the Night Train