The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168285   Message #4156338
Posted By: Donuel
25-Oct-22 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Actions & Effects (NO new Trmp threads!)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Actions and Effects
You have to be masculine to be immasculated but the immaculated are usually gay. I've known a UK chap to never be polite and others who are consistently polite.
Since we're not talking Trump anymore but going ad hominem since a recent gillyswipe,
I noticed an opal that has the fractal fantasy of the clouds of Jupiter as seen from its orbit. Most opals are like nature's original acrylic pour art where colors seep into cracks in ancient sediment.
Highly magnified, opal art is fractally pleasing to the mind.
This has been a week of opal photography.