The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4156369
Posted By: Donuel
25-Oct-22 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
I lived on Normal Avenue because it was between 12th and 14th street. I have thought that the concept of normal is ephemeral, indistinct, and illusionary. There is no normal. Look outside on a sunny day; the trees are telling the truth, but we can't see why.

Why? Because our sun is green. I mean it is really GREEN. Most of its photons are vibrating green. We do not see it due to the atmosphere, light combination, and our eye's anatomy and brain. The trees are protecting themselves from the most prevalent radiation of the sun by reflecting green.
Botanists used to say green was not a nourishing spectrum for plants but it is a lame notion. When all the spectrum of light combines we do see a white sun and not just a predominately green sun.

People would say it is normal to say the sky is blue but crazy to say the sun is green. But green it is big time, technically.

It's just not 'normal' for our eyes to tell the truth. We are blind to the vast majority of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. We do however see more variations of the color green than any other color by far.