The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28106   Message #415639
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
12-Mar-01 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Missing Tunes Wanted-part V
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Missing Tunes Wanted-part V
3009)  ROSIE ANDERSON  Two very similar tune variants from the James Duncan collection were published in the Folk Music Journal of 1966.  I've gone for the one noted from Mrs. Gillespie in 1905; she had learnt it from her mother.  Patrick Shuldham Shaw commented:

"It appears that Rosie Anderson was the daughter of a Perth merchant.  She was married at the age of sixteen to another merchant of Perth, Thomas Hay Anderson, a former Lord Provost of the city.  The Lord Elgin mentioned was probably the seventh Earl (1766-1841) who, when British Ambassador at Constantinople, secured and brought home the famous Greek sculptures, now in the British Museum, known as the 'Elgin Marbles'."

3435)  THREE JOLLY SPORTSMEN  Though the original poster of this text put in a plug for her singing group, she neglected to credit her source.  The song was in fact noted (as Three Jolly Huntsmen) by Dr. George Gardiner from William Taylor in Petersfield Workhouse, Hampshire, in 1908.  Midi made from the notation in Frank Purslow's Marrowbones (EFDS 1965).  The DT transcription contains a number of errors of no great importance.

1990)  LADDIE WITH THE GOLDEN HAIR  This is an incomplete set of Henry Whyte ("Fionn")'s English version of the Scottish Gaelic song Oigfear A' Chùil-Dualaich.  Midi made from the notation in Alfred Moffat's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Highlands.  I have posted both Gaelic and English texts to a new thread:  Laddie With the Golden Hair.  (With a temporary link to the midi until it gets to the Mudcat pages.)
