The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166210   Message #4156442
Posted By: keberoxu
26-Oct-22 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: an umbrella thread
Subject: RE: BS: an umbrella thread
Oh, this brings back memories of a distant time ...
about New Year's Day, 1999, if I recall rightly.
The place was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which always has a New Year's Day Parade.
And this parade is noteworthy for a number of things.
I was in a nice cozy warm hotel room watching the live broadcast of the parade on television, mind you --
it was a bitterly cold windy day for the parade, and I felt sorry for the people marching in it.

My reason for watching the parade was that I wanted to see the part of the parade with
the traditional "string bands" which in fact are
a mix of wind instruments, a banjo, and I forget what else.
This is an old tradition but I am woefully ignorant about it.

This parade in Philadelphia comes in many segments and parts.
And there was one part that was just sheer silliness, I can't recall what was behind it. What happened was:

at least a hundred people, an organized group of them, were parade entrants officially and everything.
But all they did was
show up with GREEN UMBRELLAS and skip and bounce down the street in group formation, which is to say mostly chaos.
But they did it in such a way that all their green umbrellas were
huddled together and bouncing up and down.

YOu have to picture the camera trained on this rolling sea of green fabric stretched onto all these umbrella frames.
It only lasted a few minutes, but what a hoot it was.