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Thread #166522   Message #4156483
Posted By: Donuel
27-Oct-22 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
A trillionth of a second or relativity at work???????????

I have for twenty years believed that the idea of inflation after the big bang was BS.

The ULTRA DENSE quantum explosion/phase change was hot but was unimaginably dense. If relativity existed from the beginning the mass/pre atoms then gravity would virtually not allow time to move just as time slows to a stop in a black hole.

The big bang doesn't need hypothetical inflation since to us it only looks like everything happened faster than possible. In reality, time was simply not moving. As things thinned out enough, time slowly started back up. Cosmological errors are common as guesswork goes but this correction is as simple as I can put it.

This is my main unorthodox premise, other things like black holes wormhole mass energy into space energy, and feeding the dark energy of space expansion is also my idea that is yet unprovable.

So if relativity existed from the start of the big bang then we don't have to make up inflation to explain the optical illusion. I am also a proponent of primordial black holes.

This is my central cosmological contribution no matter how unknown it may remain in the future. It just seems so obvious to me.