The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31859   Message #415681
Posted By: Gervase
12-Mar-01 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you do it for pleasure or money?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you do it for pleasure or money?
I used to play in the ceilidh band for money but, as nutty says, that brings with it all sorts of problems - like bitching as to how me we negotiate for a gig, what the split should be, how much gets invested in new equipment.
Not to mention the feeling that we have to remain sober and unstoned as far as is possible. We did break that rule once, though, at a gig for the South Norfolk Conservative Association (MP John Selwyn Gumdrop), where the punters turned up in Woolworth's cowyboy costumes and we though "F*** it!" and got wasted and played as loud and Poguishly as we could.
The punters didn't seem to mind - even when they were remined how cheap potent music was, and even when Dave, the bassist, came over loud and clear on the PA just as Gummer was about to talk bollocks: "F*** this - I'm not sitting here listening to this a***hole - who's coming outside for a large spliff!".
A dim breed, your rural Tories. Not bad payers, though.