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Thread #168285   Message #4157186
Posted By: Donuel
09-Nov-22 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Actions & Effects (NO new Trmp threads!)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Actions and Effects

32 American women claimed to be raped by Trump.

Greek mythology
Atalanta; raped by Hippomenes when they married.
Alcippe a daughter of Ares; raped by Halirrhothius, the son of Poseidon.
Alcmene; raped by Zeus in form of her husband Amphitryon.
Apemosyne; raped by Hermes, after slipping on skinned hides that Hermes placed on her path.
Auge; raped by Heracles.
Aura; raped by Dionysus while she was drunk.
Callisto; raped by Zeus in the form of Artemis or Apollo.
Cassandra; raped by Ajax the Lesser during the Sack of Troy.
Chione; raped by Hermes in her sleep.
Cassiopeia; raped by Zeus in the form of her husband Phoenix.
Cyrene; raped by Apollo, in the form of a wolf.
Demeter; according to an Arcadian myth, Demeter was being pursued by her younger brother, Poseidon, and she changed into a horse to escape him. Poseidon, however, transformed himself into a horse and, after cornering Demeter, raped his older sister, resulting in her giving birth to Despoina, a maiden goddess, and Arion, a divine horse.
Dryope; raped by Apollo in the form of a snake.
Europa; abducted by Zeus in the form of a white bull, then raped.
Halie; a Rhodian woman raped by her own sons.
Harpalyce; raped by her own father.
Io; pursued and eventually raped by Zeus, transformed into a heifer.
Leda, raped by Zeus in the form of a swan.
Liriope; raped by the river god Cephissus.
Metis; pursued and eventually raped by her cousin Zeus.
Nemesis; raped by Zeus, who relentlessly pursued her, changing many forms. In some versions, Nemesis is the mother of Helen of Troy rather than Leda.
Nicaea; raped by Dionysus while she was unconscious.
Persephone; raped by her uncle Hades and in Orphic tradition by her father Zeus disguised as a snake or as Hades himself.
Philomela; raped by her brother-in-law Tereus.
Procris; raped by Minos.
Rhea; raped by her son Zeus.
Tyro; raped by Poseidon in the form of her beloved, the river-god Enipeus.

Hermaphroditos; raped by (and later merged with) the nymph Salmacis.
Bellerophon; raped by (and later accused of doing the same by) Anteia.
Odysseus; in some versions, raped by Calypso on the island of Ogygia in his seven year stay.
Silenus; raped by the cyclops Polyphemus.
Chrysippus of Elis; raped by King Laius of Thebes, father of Oedipus by Jocasta, and author of the Laius complex in psychodynamic theory.
Ganymedes raped by Zeus
Cinyras raped by his daughter, Myrrha, by deception and alcohol.
Endymion raped by Selene as he slept.
Hylas raped by naiads.
Adonis; in some versions, raped by Aphrodite.
Caeneus raped when he was biologically female by Poseidon.

Hebrew Bible
Noah; mocked by Ham, in some interpretations he is either raped by him or by Canaan, his son and grandson respectively.
Dinah; raped by a Canaanite prince and avenged by her brothers.
Lot; seduced by his daughters by means of alcohol
Tamar; raped by her half-brother Amnon and avenged by her brother Absalom.

Norse mythology
Rindr; raped by Odin in Saxo Grammaticus' version of the engendering of Baldr's avenger

Roman mythology
Lucretia; raped by a prince, Sextus Tarquinius.
The Sabine women; raped by the founders of Rome
Rhea Silvia, raped by Mars.
Medusa; raped by Neptune in Minerva's temple
Lara; raped by Mercury as he escorted her to the Underworld.
Caeneus; formerly known as Caenis raped by Neptune in Ovid's version.

Knights of the Round Table
Lancelot; Elaine of Corbenic posed as Guinevere to perform a rape by deception upon him.

Medieval Folklore
Eve raped by Lilith, in the form of snake
Adam raped by Lilith in the form of Eve

Hindu Mythology
Ahalya seduced by Indra, the king of gods
Rambha raped by Ravana
Araja raped by Danda
