The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4157202
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Nov-22 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Continuing my work on the final corner of that garden. The hardest part is a combination of digging Bermudagrass deep roots and soil as sticky gumbo (after rain two days ago). Making slow progress.

This week I started flagging a few things in an unshared wish list on Amazon to later transcribe into a list (in a Word file) for family. Also a list of things I will consider sending to them. I'm endeavoring to not buy things for myself that I need to replace, etc, if it might be a good gift item for someone else to send me. The holiday surprise is then to see what people chose (and hopefully they spoke among themselves to avoid duplication. I may be able to post links to the Amazon wish list (public version) so a purchase removes that item from the list. As long as they read my list online with hot links.

Allergies kicking my butt today, sinuses and tickle resulting from continued yard work. We haven't had the first frost yet (not in view on the forecast so far), so everything that is pollinating now is going uninterrupted by weather.