The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4157731
Posted By: Donuel
15-Nov-22 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
When Einstein worked on his equation to determine gravity in a curved space (not the e=mc2 equation) he got stuck without a computer but a colleague Schartzfield solved his equation. Neither of them knew what they came up with since a value of 0 led to an infinity. They had a description of gravity in the formation of black holes.

Today we have another equation that goes beyond energy and mass and deals with time and space and we don't know what is in front of us.
If we did we would know that a time stream runs differently in different dimensions.

If we did we would have a better insight into the mystery of UAP phenomenon. This technology has other aspects that would confound the foundation of our current society. As I have said before there would no way to "lock something away". You could just reach in and take from a direction you can not point to. But other forms of this new technology would be a saving grace and not just weapon speculation by the pentagon.
Taking that leap of faith is all that is required. Surprise- pioneers have already become lost in time. They took that leap and did not know how to navigate. Those who have mastered the field of time are trying to warn us of the use of nuclear weapons which is only half the knowledge that an advanced race can learn. We are the half wits.