The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212   Message #4157979
Posted By: GUEST,Guest Joan F
17-Nov-22 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
No, though it has pretty much the same tune as "Spanish Lady", Dublin City", etc. The ni Dhomnail sisters, whose name I always mis-spell, use my chorus only at the end of their "Spanish Lady".

Someone at the Somerville Armory when we were having pub sings inside there told me my song was supposed to have the last verse I used so I've used it ever since.

I know another song with much the same lyrics but sung to a variant of the "Willow Garden" tune.

Please use the titles I gave in my earlier post.