The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4158499
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
23-Nov-22 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Turkey is in the small fridge this morning starting the defrost. There are four loaves of banana bread, studded with walnuts, ready to start using as holiday gifts. My son and his partner fly in tomorrow; my daughter and her wife will be here for the big family dinner on Sunday. They live in the next county north in a large house with a half-dozen people total and usually do a holiday party, complete with turkey, on Friday after the official holiday. I'm hoping everyone stays healthy so no pandemic visits at our house on Sunday. Anyway, I'll send a loaf of banana bread home with her to use for that event when we are meet lunch today.

Then the mad dash to finish a lot of things I've started. The guest room is completely ready, now it comes to setting the dining table (the leaves are coming out of storage) and finishing mopping floors (it continues to drizzle, so I continue to tackle muddy dog footprints), and some self-stick tile squares will hopefully make the bathroom look better. I've been tackling that old adhesive all week. Today is the last big push. Tomorrow I'll be clearing counter tops so several people can work at once is the final chore (and one I'll have to stay on top of because stuff accumulates so quickly.)

I'm at 150 pounds this morning. No telling how the next week will go but I'm hoping to not blow my weight loss progress out of the water too badly. That said, I'll make note of what I eat that needs to be entered on MyFitnessPal, but probably won't count things like desserts that don't help with the calcium and fibre counts. :)