The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165699 Message #4158905
Posted By: GUEST,It'sMagic
27-Nov-22 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Footage of Roy Williamson fiddling?
Subject: RE: Footage of Roy Williamson fiddling?
Not sure it's actually Roy playing the fiddle on Mormond Braes,though it might have been, as it isn't spectacular fiddling. Unfortunately, I only have the CDs, which don't have much information on them. What I can repeat is that Roy's daughter Karen, in her book, Flower of Scotland - My Father Roy Williamson - said the fiddle was the last instrument he learned, and I don't when that would have been. Ronnie said (in his own autobiography That Guy Fae the Corries) or in an interview somewhere that he didn't play the fiddle, but he scratched a bow against one to make the sinister sound in Twa Corbies.