Here's a good 'un, sung by Bradfordian today.
Thread #65783 Message #1162909
Posted By: Splott Man
16-Apr-04 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: Miskin @ Easter 2004
Subject: ADD: Three Wise Women
Here's the words of Three Wise Women by Stanley Accrington as promised.
I can't guarantee that I've got them down 100% accurately, there's at least one reference I don't get and substitute my own when I sing it, but the meaning is there.
The tune is approximately the same as Poor Old Landlord, Can't Get The Buggers Out.
Three wise women went to the stable, (First line repeated twice each time)
To see the baby king.
They got lost and asked for directions.
"Oh, you mean that bright star there!"
They still got there two weeks before the wise men,
To see the baby king.
When they got there they helped with the delivery,
Sent Joseph to boil some water.
When the baby was born they all crowded round him,
Told the angels to keep the noise down.
Then one wise woman said "Isn't he like his father?"
Mary gave her a strange look.
Then two wise women started cleaning out the stable,
The third one made a casserole.
Then three shepherds came to see the baby,
The women told them to take their shoes off first.
Now the three wise women didn't bring gold, frankincense and myrrh,
Their presents were far more useful.
The first wise women brought a Bob the Builder romper suit,
To fit size nought to six months.
The second wise woman brought a packet of disposables,
And those nappy sacks that smell faintly of Holmans. (a reference I don't understand, though I'm sure someone does)
The third wise woman brought a Winnie the Pooh mobile,
And a tape of Cilla Black singing lullabies.
Then the three wise women said goodbye to Mary and Joseph,
Went back to where they had come from.
Then the first wise woman said "Did you see her sandals?"
They just didn't go with that robe she wore.
The second wise woman said "You'd have thought they'd have cleaned the stable out!
The smell, not to mention hygiene!"
Then the third wise woman said "You know that Joseph's not in work?!
How do they afford that donkey?"
Then the three wise women met the wise men going the other way,
Who stopped them to ask for directions.
The three wise women shrugged and just carried on their way,
Muttering about the usefulness of myrrh.
Three wise women went to the stable,
To see the baby king.
As Stanley himself says, a carol is not just for Christmas.
Splott Man