The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171646   Message #4160398
Posted By: Monologue John
27-Dec-22 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs and Recitations of Weston & Lee
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Songs and Recitations of Weston & Lee
On the Pom Pom Tiddley OM Parade
Written and Composed by Bert Lee 1917

Birds of a Feather flock together
That's a saying true
Collies and chows and little bow-wows
And various kinds of poms
You're sure to see them ev'ry day
Wagging their too's and froms

On the pom-pop-tiddley-om parade
Every morning in the park you'll see them all serene
Some with ribbons around their necks and bows of blue and green
I've just compiled a catalogue of the dogs I've seen
Upon the Pop Pom Tiddley Om Parade

There's snappy and yappy dogs who love to bark and bite
There's dogs that stay in all the day and stay out all the night
There's thoroughbreds and gingerbread's that win you silver cups
There's collie dogs and dirty dogs and also mucky pups
There's the dog that has a lengthy tail It's pointed and It's thin
The dog who used to have a tail but someone pushed it in
The dog that has a swishy tail and knock things off the shelf
And every time it wags it's tail it slaps it's little self

The dog they call Dalmatian is the dog that's out for strife
I've never seen a more dalmatian dog in all my life
There's some with eyes like saucers and two big ears that flop
Four tiny legs and then the chassis stuck on top
The dog that always barks at you when you call on Flo
It barks and barks and barks and barks until it's time to go
And as you kiss your girl goodnight and say “Au revior”
It bites you right between the gate and kitchen door
The wheezy the sneezy dog the dog that's black and tan
The dog who always goes to see a dog about a man
The dandy dog the bandy dog the dog with knocking knees
The dog that's never satisfied unless he's catching – rabbits
The bulldog with the putty face – you've seen it I suppose
It ought have a blotting pad to blot his blinking nose
The dog that hasn't got a nose – It has to do without
You wonder how it smells then suddenly find out
The dog that madly runs about – and thinks that it's sublime
Its got a tin on its tail and has a rattling time
The doggy from the Isle of Man a tailess raggamuffin
And so it has no tail to wag it wags a little nuffin
The dog the boys are pelting as they chase it down the street
It's lucky it's a bushy tail to cover it's retreat
The dog who has a piggy tail that curls up quite promiscus
And when the stormy breezes do blow The wind blows through his whiskers

On the pom-pop-tiddley-om parade
There's various dogs of every class and grade
The dog who's thin and lanky and the one that's overfed
The dog that lays it head in a lady's lap
And that's the only time I'd been a dog instead
Upon the Pop Pom Tiddley Om Parade