The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171896   Message #4160634
Posted By: Donuel
29-Dec-22 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Precognition
Subject: RE: BS: Precognition
I dearly hope that technology approaching magic is within our ability. It is not wise to bet against a new discovery, but I do bet against faster than light.

When imagining string theory with extra dimensions that are tiny I imagined one so big we can not see it. In this imagined dimension, there is no distance but there is the quality to be adjacent to every point in space. While this idea is useful for sci fi it has no evidence unless 'spooky action at a distance' has a different quantum explanation for entangled particles.

Things that don't fit conventional explanations are the very things that lead to new discoveries.
New discoveries can be accidental but they are not linear. They do not come in a logical order but bounce around almost randomly. I can give examples in the development of radio that led to semi-conductors that started as iron filings and led to crystals and finally transistors and chips.
BTW I agree with Dave, Bill and Mr. Brainiac as well.
Bill I do qualify my remarks but as in music I have the heart but not the technique to be profound. For example I recently abandoned my anti matter annihilation debris hypothesis for dark matter with good reason.