The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4160888
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
31-Dec-22 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health * Climate Change * 2023
Charmion - singing & talking come from different centres of the brain, which is why a past colleague of mine could barely be understood with a severe stutter, but sang like an angel. I've also read something somewhere about people recovering from strokes who can barely speak, but if they use a sing-song voice are understandable.

Declutter - hmmmm

Thoughtful distribution of unwanted stuff. Before covid I used to visit a huge community centre (ex-WW1 & 2 Army base) weekly. One of the community groups there was a composting organisation with huge bins so I used to take all kitchen scraps. During covid I couldn't go that far so took selected scraps to a friend's worm farm (worms are fussy!) & have been throwing out unwanted stuff. I know there's a local facebook group for contacting individuals with compost heaps who welcome contributions, so JUST need to ask friends on facebook to check it out for me. A few months back our small soft plastic recycling industry collapsed - one company lost their premises to fire, another had stockpiled plastic cos they couldn't use it fast enough! Not good, & stockpiles are a fire risk, so we all need to toss it out at the moment ... more waste.

I recently took several long term bags of unwanted (& very much in the way) stuff to charity shops! small YAH! but there is more to go.

A friend's teenage granddaughter is visiting & they have been going thru small family treasures & other ornaments etc. The charity shop pile is slowly growing. I suggested several anonymous family treasures (eg. small unmarked painting by an ancestor) be marked so her sons & granddaughters know what they are looking at if she suddenly pops off the twig. My cousin who has 2 daughters is looking forward to my smallish collection of family treasures so they can continue to be passed down in the female line.

But I have so much other stuff that needs sorting, including some that is already supported & was forgotten ...

Charity shops re-open next week, but many are overwhelmed by donations at this time of the year.

sandra (ignoring floor that needs vacuuming cos various craft projects & books are filed on the floor