The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171879   Message #4161000
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Jan-23 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2
We won't be rejoining. We have a pig-headed government and an equally pig-headed leader of the opposition. We have the EU, rightly, digging in. The US has no interest in signing a spiffin' trade deal with us and never did have, along with many others. We are the only member of the G7 with an economy smaller now than it was pre-pandemic. The Northern Ireland "protocol" is still all over the place, as we knew it would be, and is seriously affecting the people there. And hands up all those who think we've managed to "control our borders" (just look at the record-busting net immigration stats, and all this shower can come up with is an aeroplane to Rwanda that no-one has got on yet).

Backwoodsman came across several years ago as a bit mean when he said that those who voted leave after swallowing the lies that all sensible people recognised as lies were gullible and feeble-minded. Well he was dead right. if you voted leave you are collectively responsible for this mess and should hang your head in shame. We did try to tell you.