The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4161044
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Jan-23 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
One more dive into the closet rack to pull out some really big t-shirts that were favorites but that I've passed by for many weeks now when choosing a t-shirt for the day. They are too big to use for the dogs also (Pepper is wearing size medium or large that aren't humongous.) And a few of my long-sleeved shirts that are too baggy or worn out to look good, though I still have several larger blouses that I will typically wear over the top of a contrasting color shirt and roll up the sleeves when I want another layer. For the last several years the loose outer blouse was worn to hide the "love handles" from where my snug t-shirt under it revealed the muffin top above my jeans waist.

My organizing system is to put the shirts with a messages or art on hangers along the upper rod in the closet; there are shelves in a narrow cabinet built in the back and I keep a large wire basket in there to stack my folded (I used to roll them) shirts on, arranged by color. No art - they're the tops I wore to work or to dressier events when I'm not a walking billboard for a philosophical statement or cause or some silliness. Ever since I worked on my Dad's estate and realized he hung his t-shirts arranged by color I started that - it's easier to find what I'm looking for. I have a few blouses and slacks, but they are a thing of my distant working past for the most part, with one or two nicer fabric/higher cost to mix and match for occasions like weddings or funerals.

As days pass my fingers are crossed that what my houseguest last week experienced was a bad allergy attack and not a cold. She coughed and sneezed all over the house on Friday and Saturday so I'm three days out and still ok. I really don't want to catch a cold or RSV or whatever it is going around now. I keep my allergies tamped down to avoid getting sinus infections - until I admitted that I had allergies I used to end up with horrible sinus stuff. A head cold isn't going to respond to the allergy medication and not so well to the decongestant.