The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167618   Message #4161127
Posted By: The Sandman
03-Jan-23 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: New news *not* about the virus
Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
The Russian state broadcaster, RT, is back on Youtube this morning!
The tide in the US is turning: Google has quietly allowed RT news back on it's platform. It would seem the Twitter files are having an effect, as they proved the US government was engaged in unconstitutional suppression of free speech by outsourcing the censorship to private media companies, social media platforms, etc. To be clear, this media censorship in the west has meant that most ordinary people have no idea how corrupt the Ukraine is, nor of the devastating effect of Nazism not only having spread there, but being officially endorsed. The general public in the West does not know to what extent free speech was suppressed there through brutality and people being 'disappeared' and murdered.
As to the US government's unconstitutional activities in regard to censorship, the mainstream media is remaining quiet.
It would seem this is being hushed up and brushed under the carpet in order to avoid public outrage and any risk of investigation, prosecution, or government inquiry.
I now wonder if all other private social media platforms are quietly releasing themselves from government intrusion? Will FB will let this post stand? Indeed, is there a new clandestine government directive that is attempting to right the wrongs?
In any case, the likes of Sputnik, an RT spinoff that provided a platform for many western dissident journalists, is not yet back online in the West.