The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4161620
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Jan-23 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
A significant declutter that over a hundred people in this area are thrilled about is the departure of a Really Really bad boss. She arrived at our institution in 2012 and proceeded to break it so badly that about 75% of the people working there at the time found new jobs, quit outright, or retired. (I was in the latter group). She's moving on to break another institution's library in the far north, but the odds favor her being fired there within the six month probationary period. When we learned of this job consideration we kept her incompetence quiet, so the other institution wouldn't learn of it—because this local one needs her to move out so it can heal. (Honestly, we think this is how our institution ended up with her - someone here didn't do their due diligence on the projects she did at her last university - where they undid her big changes as soon as she left.) So - once she leaves, the new employer will be given the information they need to be on their guard for her evil personnel management techniques and general level of incompetence. There is new top management at our institution, president and provost, who, we think, don't suffer fools gladly and told her to find a new job and leave on her own or she's out. And now that she's announced that she is leaving and has given an end date, there are no do-overs if she finds the next place changes their mind. So much interesting information has come in through the back channels lately regarding these personnel matters.

Here on the home front eBay stuff is beginning to move again. One box delivered to the post office yesterday and a couple of more listings nearly ready to put up. This is good work for chilly evenings. Since today's high temperature will be in the mid-60s I can go out for a little while and finish cleaning out the freeze-damaged contents of the pots out front and at the side of the house. It's a day for puttering inside and out.