The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171994   Message #4161651
Posted By: Donuel
07-Jan-23 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: KISS keep it simple
Subject: RE: BS: KISS keep it simple
I find the absurd responses pure comedy.
I don't think Einstein bounced his material off a crowd, he just had a handful of select friends and had his wife do most of his math. Later he gave the proceeds of his Nobel prize to her.

Its getting to the point where dictators and comics sound similar to me. When comics die on stage they sort of look like Khadaffi looked right before he actually died. Between the two I prefer comics
Some people march to the beat of a different drummer but I don't march and seldom care for drumming. Social media brings out the ass hole in folks for some reason.

Below the line I don't hear an original thought as much as I hear a critique. Rage drives social media as much as comedy. This site reminds me of Portlandia in that the cast take everything so seriously which makes the whole thing a comedy to the observer. I think Steve thinks his posts are timeless enduring and profound but the real punchline is that they are not. Like others, he does not know the difference between comedy and a normal narrative. Free association is costly in the real world but online its free. I know most of my posts reflect the current level of coffee in my bloodstream. By the law of averages I bet at least one mudcatter here has a lava lamp. By the same reason not one here has the answer to what the hell is dark matter or energy.