The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4162808
Posted By: Senoufou
18-Jan-23 - 02:26 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Husband is moving back in with me in three days' time (whoopee!) and he's been coming round with stacks of stuff. Yesterday it was two large bags of washing. I had no idea he owned so many sets of underwear, socks, shirts etc. but I set to work after he left and it's now all washed, dried and neatly folded on his bed.
Personally, I hate 'stuff' and like a simple, uncluttered environment. But everyone is different, and I'm determined to 'grit my teeth' and let him fill our bungalow to the ceilings if that's what he wants.
He's bringing his absolutely massive TV over on Saturday when he moves in. It's like a cinema screen (I hate it) but he's going to mount it on the wall of his study, so I can watch my little TV in the sitting room.