The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172061   Message #4163240
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Jan-23 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: Folk singer info - Gail Rundlett
Subject: Track List: Farther Along (Gail Rundlett)
And hey, I found a playlist on YouTube titled Farther Along (click). YouTube says that album was published in 2004, but another source says 1989.

Track Listing:

  1. Windmills
  2. Fiddle and a Bow
  3. October Roses
  4. Songs of Life
  5. Georgia Railroad
  6. Waltzing with Bears
  7. Farther Along
  8. Three Drunken Maidens
  9. Final Anchorage
  10. Pease Must Come
  11. Indiana Home / Old Friends

Gail has a lovely voice, and I like the intelligent way she interprets songs. Her songs on YouTube are truncated, but the entire album is available on Spotify. Unfortunately, I didn't find an online source for Full Circle, which I really like.