The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172056 Message #4163492
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
25-Jan-23 - 01:49 AM
Thread Name: Reuben Ranzo
Subject: RE: Reuben Ranzo
Very slightly notable about the preceding is that Briggs claims that "Reuben Ranzo" could be for hoisting *and* windlass. I'd have to check if there are any other ascriptions to the windlass, but even if so, my memory tells me that it's rare.
The significance is that, for windlass work, we'd expect the song to have to be continued at length.
In the case of a topsail halyard hoist, approximately 10 verses would serve--just enough for Reuben's story. However, the little narrative would soon run out when operating the windlass. So, that might explain the large number of verses that Briggs gives and what looks to be "stringing out" (repeating each line). Incidentally, I'd have no trouble fitting the words in the verses that Briggs said were difficult!