The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4163612
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
26-Jan-23 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

A lot of snow blankets us this am. R went out to clear the car- at least his - and found that noise I heard in the wee hours was the neighbour's snow blower - his large parking area and our very small one!

R cleared part of the front steps - including totally unnecessary places. I wonder if ADHD includes this - to me - highly annoying bit. I am all for efficiency, doing what is needed. From the bottom of the steps, one must, then, wallow through about a foot of snow to the cars - but the edges of the steps - where no one ever need walk - are clear!

As a result of this and something SRS said, I went googling and found Frank and Lillian Gilbreth - oft cited by my father when things needed to be done efficiently - as did everything!

"What is Lillian Moller Gilbreth most known for?
"Gilbreth became a pioneer in what is now known as industrial and organizational psychology. She helped industrial engineers recognize the importance of the psychological dimensions of work. In addition, she became the first American engineer ever to create a synthesis of psychology and scientific management."

Time and motion studies amongst others.

She is worth a look see. It was their theories that impressed my dad and their dedication to efficiency which makes me hard to live with! "A place for everything and everything in its place" was oft heard. Father never acquired more than could fit that motto. I have, and, hence...

Every once in a while, largely thanks to this thread, I remember to attempt to clear more of the decks, organize a bit better - though my organized kitchen is sacrosanct; easy for anyone to find things ... if THEY put it back in its place!

I add almond flour (2gm protein per tablespoon) to my porridge (one cup oat flakes) as well as a handful of dried cranberries (organic, sweetened with apple or orange juice - I forget), a diced apple and a couple T of ground flax seed. This has been very helpful; leftover is good for BF or lunch or snacks for me. I also add almond flour and flax to my buckwheat pancakes. One batch is good for BF for both of us and planned-overs for me whenever. They also include a couple cups of frozen fruit (could be fresh in season) per batch (1 c flour...).

I got so into looking at odds and sods on line, I forgot this post!

Maybe today I will make beet/black bean "burgers" from a simple recipe I found. The beets and beans are ready, just process and cook in oven - think I'll use the toaster oven. But it is cold enough out to justify the large one - if I add in a couple squash!

Did grocery run yesterday "before the storm". The snowflakes were just arriving as I was getting into car from last stop!

Recognizing that I might be spending more time here, I knuckle under to the need to make it more palatable. Now that Covid is less of a monster, though still needing attention, I am looking at finding people to invite -- when the weather is conducive!! Talked with a friend a couple days ago and he is game to come out from Montreal in good weather - with family. We could have a pot luck out back; I have chairs and tables...

A post on FB about the paucity of front porches triggered: No front porch on this 1902 house but I could put some chairs out under the trees in the front yard - from thrift shops! and read out there. People walk dogs and just themselves even in this weather, of course. But if I were handy, someone might stop to chat.

In addition, our trip a couple weeks ago to southern Quebec taught me that our friends down there are actually delighted to have us drop in! And they are a total delight to visit. We are grandparent age for them! And there are a few others down there whom we met through music that I can connect with, even if R is "too busy". We even risked our lives attending a CD launch at Jim's - a terrific, and unique, venue. There will be more... I may be a hermit but total isolation does not work! I shall be watching the weather for a trip to Beaver in mid Feb.