The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4163871
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Jan-23 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023

SRS: our steps only have a rail on one side and rubber mats start at that side, the end of each a clear line - "stop here!" But cleaning around the log that keeps the door from swinging too far, the pot of plants that are just sitting there until I get around to deciding where to move them... 3 feet of clear steps with rubber mats is quite sufficient... I am concerned.

The "burger" concoction was declared "no taste at all"; I could have improved them with onions, herbs, something! My heart was not in it. I think "burgers" are not necessary to our diet! The texture is fine.

WE spent yesterday aft at the local library again, a pleasant place and I watched the sun go down, a treat - there was sun! And I got to see it set. That library has no more books by the author I was seeking. The super nice staff person offered to order something for me but I prefer not to put them to the trouble. I just checked the times for the library in southern QC that I used a lot when we were down there. It had an amazing collection of books. Strictly volunteer run and with the municipalities paying all their other expenses, they must focus on books! And I do go that way at times - Plan! Planning to make life in QC more palatable. Maybe if I have some fun, I can get a few projects moved on out of the sewing room. Nothing beats an improved state of mind?

So pots trimmed from the 8 bowls that wrecked my back. And then I threw 2 more - just 2! Maybe I can get some strength into my back if I don't overdo it! Just a little bit at a time.

SRS: ADHD never occurred to me. Now I am wondering where are the excellent books I had on the subject when I was working... Daniel Amen did incredible work on ADHD. Did I give them away? Quite possibly! Oops!