The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4164460
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Feb-23 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
My ex was over for lunch today and I sent him home with some of my ripe bananas and a loaf of whole wheat bread from the freezer. It seems that during our icy spell none of the delivery trucks made it to the grocery stores, and they haven't caught up yet. When he stopped at Aldi today they were out of many perishable items. The Highway Dept. ran advice over the news to not head out today if you could avoid it because there is still ice (shaded spots on highway bridges, roads, and overpasses). I poured boiling water on the slip-and-slide shaded path yesterday while it was above freezing to clear out that ice.

I'd like to get to the gym again tomorrow, my knees are stiff when I don't do the extended walking or pedaling several times a week. I've started using the treadmill longer and at more of an incline. There was a thing on the news about a popular Tik Tok video about a "5-3-30 workout," interesting that it seems to be what I've worked out for myself. It means setting the incline at 5.0, walking at the rate of 3 miles per hour, and doing it for 30 minutes. This has been my practice because I tend to like to walk that fast and I split my gym time between the treadmill and the recumbent bike, adding up to at least an hour.

I know what you mean about the cold, Dorothy. Even though the temperature is set at about 70, there are cold patches all through the house and near the windows, so you're always reminded of the cold. Plus after the 4 days with no power in 2021, we're still aware of how vulnerable people can be when the lights go out. I've had a lot of green tea during the cold weather since it doesn't seem to have the same caffeine impact on me like black tea.

There isn't a gas line to this house, only electric, and I'm sure my eyes will water at the bill that arrives after this cold spell. As they will when I get the water bill, because not only did I leave water dripping in two sinks over four days, I stepped away from a slow job of filling the dogs' water bucket and accidentally left the water running in the kitchen. It ran over the edge and down the drain for at least an hour. The equivalent of what - a bath or shower every day for a week?

It hasn't been a particularly productive week, mostly small tasks. I am continuing the wiring of data ports and did some sewing. Many other "must do" chores languish.