The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172093   Message #4164519
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
05-Feb-23 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: Delilah 'Banned' by Welsh Rugby Union
Subject: RE: Delilah 'Banned' by Welsh Rugby Union
Bread and circus. It ain't new.

Was introduced to Texas legend Earl Campbell some time ago. He's in a wheelchair and needs two canes to walk two paces. It wasn't Luv Ya Blue! lyrics what did that to flesh and bone while tens of thousands cheered on Monday Night Football®©.

A few weeks ago, the Yanks stopped the heart of one of their footballers. CPR live on national camera whilst the talking heads pondered how and when to finish the game and sort out their coming playoff standings.

If you can label this 'sport' purely for your entertainment pleasure... it takes .001% the very, exact same tortured moral 'logic' to excuse Delilah's so-called 'violent' lyrics.