The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172093   Message #4164558
Posted By: GUEST,Rossey
05-Feb-23 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: Delilah 'Banned' by Welsh Rugby Union
Subject: RE: Delilah 'Banned' by Welsh Rugby Union
Talking of red lines Nick Dow, though going off on a tangent - even back in the early 1980's I remember there was a local cabaret singer in Inverness where I live, who was singing Jim Maclean's 'Massacre of Glencoe' to hotel parties of tourists, and he wouldn't sing the words "Raped Glencoe" in the chorus.   I can't remember what he changed it to.. but those two words in the chorus give the song it's power, and he cut its metaphorical balls off. An early example there of 'folk woke', the word raped being taken out of context and being too rough and uncomfortable for the singer to take. Back to Delilah!