The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172093 Message #4164614
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
06-Feb-23 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Delilah 'Banned' by Welsh Rugby Union
Subject: RE: Delilah 'Banned' by Welsh Rugby Union
RE: Verbs -- are for the general public. WRU executives likely said nothing at all internally and simply deleted it from the choir's playlist sans discussion. They went as far as they ethically could to [bad verb] the song internally. Saying the choir has not been [bad verbed] is not intellectually honest. WRU gets neither credit nor blame where fans are concerned... except...
RE: Violence -- There are no pronoun exemptions for CTE &c. It's equal opportunity... by the numbers. WRU, their choir and their fans are not blameless for the damage done to racist/sexist/homophobic footballers and victim footballers alike. Nobody wins. Prohibiting boxing in large venues where Sweet Caroline is sung makes better sense than WRU and the censors.