The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172115   Message #4165340
Posted By: skarpi
16-Feb-23 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
Pilot´s see TicTac Opject´s, also see spears, also see triangle´s Opject´s ,
disc´s, so who are they, those thing´s.

Lockheet Martin skunkworks are suppose to build a triangle craft that can travel space called TR-3B, TR-3B Manta

some say also Tic Tac is also man made ?

well who know´s, only the future will tell us,
Shooting down those Opject´s is a mistake, there will be payback.

I am not troubled by that though,

Past is gone, future has not come, so what we have is only the moment we live in.

Love your family´s and hold on to them,
what we have today we may not have tomorrow.
Over and out

All the best