The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4165634
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Feb-23 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Dorothy, I've had questions to answer in this ADHD research, and one had to do with Daniel Amen's materials that you remarked on. This morning I searched Daniel Amen and came across the linked Daily Beast article. There are a number of the popular medical folks who have lectured on PBS who have later turned up to have flawed data or a business model that does more selling than curing. I'm looking into exercises that might be useful in staying focused. (The WebMD blurb about Amen sounds like it was written by Amen's PR staff). I think his work with Pastor Rick Warren and Mark Hyman, MD, and Mehmet Oz, MD, is the scariest part to warn me away. People lost weight, but I suspect they also lost their souls, or their pocketbooks came out a lot lighter around the four of them. Amen has a 30-day program and when looking for reviews of it went down that rabbit hole. He identifies "seven types" that he justifies with his expensive brain scans. All said, I suspect we're looking at a modern form of Phrenology from the inside out. I'm still working on this and will try to avoid over-sharing.

Today is a modestly popular federal holiday, so the trash was picked up and except for the post office and banks pretty much everything else is open for business. Mattress sales abound. While some of you are due for Winter Storm Olive it's overcast and humid 80s for the first half of the week, so time for some yard work. The weeds and winter grass need to be mowed in the front. Amazon knows no holidays and will be delivering an 8 ounce jar of my favorite seasoning salt (there are a few dishes where it is a great shortcut) and I've tossed the ancient contents of the 2+ pound jar that I bought in 2017. I can use that shaker jar in the garden, so there is still some good that comes from that huge purchase (putting diatomaceous earth in it to dispense on ant hills and such).