The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171327 Message #4165775
Posted By: GUEST,RA
21-Feb-23 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Hurdy Gurdy Flowers in Still Game
Subject: RE: Origins: Hurdy Gurdy Flowers in Still Game
I found this on a Reddit post by someone called Redbeardidscotsman:
"Hurdy Gurdy is an old Glasgow song which came about after the building of the blocks of flats that replaced the slums. Hurdy Gurdy was the wind blowing in the window boxes as they no longer had gardens. There's a few other songs along these lines, I'm sure there's one that goes "ye cannae fling pieces oot a twenty storey flat".
The latter song mentioned is, as all Glaswegians ought to know, Adam McNaughtan's 'Skyscraper Wean'.