The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31831   Message #416608
Posted By: Gray Rooster
13-Mar-01 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Performers Excess Drinking at Their Gig
Subject: RE: Performers Excess Drinking at Their Gig
If you go to bar with a band in Texas playing country or blues, more often than not, at least one of the members is drinking, on or off stage. What do you expect? Many are sponsored by beer companies, some overtly, some kinda behind the scenes (or they wish they were). Catch 22 number one.

In some respects, it is the bands job to promote the sales of alcohol in an establishment that sells it. Catch 22 number 2.

Are you in a concert situation? Catch 22 number 3.

Is the drinking part of the act?? Could be. I used to watch Frank Sinatra with a drink in one hand and a smoke in the other deliver a great show. Dean Martin used booze both while he was drinking and after he quit as a prop.

There have been many studies done on the effects of alcohol and mental abilities. Motor abilities are reduced after one drink and go down from there.

Audiences differ on the quality of music heard based on an old stage adage, delivered from the bands POV:

The drunker you get, the better we sound. **BG**

Performers differ according to this old adage:

Never be the only sober person in a drunk crowd or the only drunk person in a sober crowd. **BG**

I've had drinks or not depending on many factors. If there isn't a bar at the place I'm playing, I don't drink period. If there is a bar, I may or may not.