The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8451   Message #4166137
Posted By: Felipa
25-Feb-23 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: Skye Boat Song in Gaelic?
Subject: RE: Skye Boat Song in Gaelic?
this video on youtube gives the translation to Gaelic by Bear McCreary on screen

the chorus:

Seinnibh leam dàn
Gu nìghneag mo chridh
Nìghneag mo rùn 's mo ghraidh
Faicibh am bàt'
'S e togail bho thìr
Giùlan mo rìgh bho thraigh

another video includes the English lyrics by Robert Louis Stevenson (who didn't like Harold Boulton's original, I read) and Gaelic lyrics attributed to Gillebride MacMillan

Seinn dhom an duan,
Mun tè a chaidh air thìr,
Saoil am bu mise i.
Sheol i thar sàil,
's i chò faiteach na gràdh,
ò chàidh anull thar sàil,

Oiteag is stuagh, atadh is cuan,
beanntan an uisge is na grèine.
Gach nì a bha dhom math,
Gach nì a bha gun smàl,
Gach nì a bha gu math,
A-nis air falbh bhuam.