The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4166580
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Mar-23 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Dorothy, it sounds like you've got that mischief managed as far as transporting your pots to the kiln. Have a good drive back to Dupont!

Patty, I do envy you the mobility you have right now, to explore the places you pass through if you wish. The parts of towns that speak to me are those places where I can see that people have made a space their own and have a garden or workplace that suits them. They aren't usually in the neighborhoods on the beautiful homes tours, but they're interesting. I remember Chunky as being small and utilitarian, and we didn't have much time to drive through, but spending more time would have been welcome.

Back here in North Texas, after the thunderstorms passed the ex and I made a trip to the discount gourmet warehouse store for the Wednesday Market and we were not disappointed: I came away with lots of fruits and veggies (and to make the purchases worthwhile I need to manage to eat all of it!). Pineapple, mango, apples, cucumbers, and four bags of Romaine hearts. One of those Romaine hearts is gone with dinner tonight. Cauliflower for me or (more likely) for the dogs. I buy a lot of produce to add to their dried dog food so they get moisture and fiber every day. I cook veggies for the dogs (you often get more nutrition from cooked stuff) and they really love it because when it's cooked it tells them "people food." I watch when they eat - they always scarf down the veggies before the dry food.

Today I picked up two of a fruit I have never tried before - Dragonfruit - and I have a page of results on YouTube telling me how to cut and eat it. Trying new fruit is akin to the trying of new taco stands and restaurants - getting a bit out of my comfort zone to find new and interesting foods. Out of curiosity I asked a Mexican friend yesterday about these taquerias that are near our neighborhood - turns out the one I liked best is owned by the in-laws of the guy who works with him (who will be here to cut down a large tree in the yard on Friday). It's a small world.