The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53003   Message #4166637
Posted By: leeneia
02-Mar-23 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: Origins of Lass From the Low Country
Subject: RE: Origins of Lass From the Low Country
Hi, student. Have you found the words? Go to the top of the page and find the words "Mudcat Cafe" in fancy script. Nine lines down from that is a link to "Lass from the Low Country" in the Mudcat's lyric & tune collection, a collection which is called The Digital Tradition.

If you read the words, you'll see there is nothing there about murder, execution, suicide, or pregnancy. There's not even anything hinted about such a think. She looked, she loved, and she languished, languished all the way to her grave.

This is a modern composition, but it imitates a style from the late middle ages. In the middle ages, life expectancy was much shorter than today because people died of love a lot. :-)

The song says she's a lass from the low country, and there are two low countries I know of. One is the Netherlands (Holland) and Belgium in Europe, and the other is in the Carolinas. Since she meets a lord, we conclude that's she's in the European one.

The Low Countries are one boat ride to the east of England, and there was a lot of trade between them. And unhappily for the low countries, they had no steep, cold, dangerous mountains, and other countries found them a great place to fight battles.
I learned something interesting today because of your question. I looked up "mead" to see if it was a correct word, and it is. A mead is a meadow but the word is "mostly poetical." But what's a meadow? I've always thought a meadow was a field, probably with pretty flowers, but originally a meadow was a field which grew grass to cut and make feed for animals. And this is the part which will tickle your English teacher - the word "meadow" comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "to cut."

I got that info from my aged, heavyweight, unabridged dictionary.