The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148803   Message #4166697
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Mar-23 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lingering Head Cold...
Subject: RE: BS: Lingering Head Cold...
"New tests confirm..." Yeah, classic weasel words, no backup. Do your homework. Beethoven died at the age of 57, an age not out of order for his time, and was known to be a big wine drinker. Yes he was ill with several different ailments for several years before he died, including stomach disorders and kidney disease, but there is no definitive evidence that he suffered from symptoms of lead poisoning or died of it. The trouble is that you find a single source that suits your agenda then regale us with it as though it's the unalloyed truth, your typical modus operandi. The real truth is that the causes of his ailments and his death are still very much disputed, as a quick google would demonstrate to you.