The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172154   Message #4166905
Posted By: Rapparee
04-Mar-23 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: when you don't have electricity - NZ
Subject: RE: BS: when you don't have electricity - NZ
I worked the levees on a Mississippi River flood. Disaster tourism is REAL! People would lie through their teeth to get in to see the houses flooded to the second story. No offers to help. These are the same people who stop to gawk at an automobile accident while blocking the way of the ambulance, who flock to a fire across town, who fly drones over a wildfire.

We are told to keep 72 hours of food and water on hand -- being in the orbit of Yellowstone earthquakes are definitely possible, as are wildfires. We have our "get out and leave" kits ready as well. And I've put glow-in-the-dark tape on various things like flashlights because when you need them it's usually dark, and you can't find them.