The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148803   Message #4166915
Posted By: Senoufou
05-Mar-23 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lingering Head Cold...
Subject: RE: BS: Lingering Head Cold...
Aaaaagh! Don't mention chillies to me! Since husband moved back in with me (which I'm very happy about of course) he's continuing to cook his fiery hot African sauces, with every chilli imaginable in, including Scotch bonnets. The aroma in our kitchen makes me choke, so how he manages to eat the bloomin' stuff is beyond me. He must have an asbestos mouth.
He's now resorted to putting Vic on his upper lip before he goes to sleep, which he says helps his breathing during the night.
I still think it's the pollen in the hazel catkins which are all over our area of Norfolk. Poor bloke, it must be awful to have the sniffles all the time.