The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3436   Message #4167013
Posted By: and e
06-Mar-23 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The worms crawl in.../Hearse Song
Subject: RE: Lyr ADD: The worms crawl in.../Hearse Song
One last pre-1925 text:

...a popular song with lububrious music that many of my young friends persist in singing and humming as if haunted by it.

Did you ever think as the hearse rolled by
That some day or other you must die?

In an old churchyard, in a tiny lot,
Your bones will wither and then they'll rot.

The worms'll crawl up the worms'll crawl in,
They'll crawl all over your mouth and chin.

They'll bring their friends, and their friends, too;
You'll look like hell when they're through with you.

Pg 451. Senescence: The Last half of Life by G. Stanley Hall. 1922.

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