The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172196 Message #4167060
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Mar-23 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's in a (cheesy) name?
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a (cheesy) name?
Well if your Wisconsin cheese is shit, of course you won't care who makes it where or what they call it. No-one blames you for not valuing it. You make rubbish such as Budweiser (another stolen name, by the way), and only gammons and rednecks would have even the slightest emotional allegiance to it. You demolished rainforests so that you could fatten your population with Big Macs and keep your heart surgeons in the money. Lots of your fellow countrymen and women know all this and rail against it. Good for them. But not you. You just don't care. So go ahead and steal our culture (beats creating your own, though I will admit that you're not bad at music) and level everything down to your boring, anodyne sameness. Well there are things worth valuing and keeping distinct. But you make a cheese that is some kind of inferior copy of Gruyère and guess what? You could call it anything but you call it Gruyère, and your judges think that that's grand. Well they would if your country makes very little that's original with distinctness worth preserving. Your ignorant response to this is emblematic of the worst kind of American entitledness and exceptionalism that, thank goodness, is not shared by millions of your compatriots. The small things are important, and if you let them pass you by you'll miss seeing the big things too.