Ok. Following on from making my scans of 'Singing Together' generally available I am now doing the same with 'Time and Tune'. This series was aimed at 7-9 year olds and started with the Autumn 1951 term (3 terms a year Autumn, Spring, Summer)
I have all the early issues 1951-1983 so these will be complete.
After that I have most issues (not necessarily every iteration as some booklets were repeated in later years).
The following are my 'gaps'. If anyone spots a source, please let me know:
'91 Summer Circus! Circus! Circus! - Summer Extras
'99 Spring A Feast of Fables
2000 Summer Listening and Composing
With that advert, the next post will list download details.
I list the downloads as several years per folder. It is possible that you may be able to open the folder online and just download one booklet, or even a single song. If someone wants to check and let me know please respond here.
This will probably be an edited thread, so off-topic posts, or ones that belong in other Time and Tune threads may be deleted.
Yes, digital sets of these are advertised on eBay for me to recoup some of my collection costs, but I'd rather make them widely available here (folk community) to spread availability of the resource.