The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171994   Message #4167187
Posted By: Donuel
09-Mar-23 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: KISS keep it simple
Subject: RE: BS: KISS keep it simple
I only know two people who have equations on their headstones. Newton and Maxwell. Today they are approximations set in stone. I wonder how big a headstone should be required to show Schwartchilds equations. Simplicity often seems to be at the heart of some things. Even a neutron is not infallible, it too will decay.
Now is the most wonderful time to be an astrophysicist. In 1920 it took a hundred years to sort out the new concept of general relativity; Today we have some faster shortcuts. In fact, new science is less focused on equations and more reliant on programs, algorithms, and geometry.
Current String Theory is a stepping stone that unites relativity and Quantum and gravity consistently. Eventually, we will be less wrong and more right as we go along.
The simplicity expressed everywhere in the universe seems to be symmetry and dualism. When intuition plays in this field of symmetry success is surprisingly correct or beautiful. It was Dirac who made equations that predicted anti-matter and negative energy.

Even visualizing extra dimensions gets easy.