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Thread #171879   Message #4167359
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Mar-23 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2
Tim Davie was a Tory politician in the 1990s and is still a rock-solid Tory. For several years he was deputy chair of the Hammersmith and Fulham Conservative Association.

In 2019 Alan Sugar, superstar for almost two decades of his "Apprentice" show on the BBC, tweeted a mocked-up photo of Jeremy Corbyn and Hitler sitting in a car together. Around the same time, there was a huge front-page photo of him in the Sun, pointing to the camera with the banner headline "Corbyn, you're fired."

In an article, Sugar said that “backing Boris Johnson is the only was Britain can escape its Brexit quagmire”. He said that Jeremy Corbyn “is clueless on how the economy works” and added “his £1.2 trillion spending splurge is complete madness”, despite the party’s manifesto being the only one fully costed and approved by more than 160 of the country’s most prominent economists.

Was he sanctioned or suspended? What do you think?

His henchwoman on the Apprentice, Karren Brady, is a Tory peer in the House of Lords. She has addressed a Tory party conference and was a supporter of Osborne's austerity politics. Sugar's male sidekick, Claude Littner, openly endorsed the Tories in the 2019 election.

Anyone care to defend any of this on the grounds of "impartiality," or would "double standards" be a better starting point?

There are plenty of other examples of this sort thing that make Gary Lineker look like a fluffy cuddly kitten.