The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171976   Message #4168865
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Mar-23 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023
My siblings and I are very close in age, so when one has a medical development, we all perk up. This week I learned that my brother is watching his blood pressure and is pretty sure it was the salty snacks that pushed it up in a recent episode. Out of curiosity I started reading the labels on the various snack foods around here, and it appears to be time to change some snack choices. I always read the ingredient lists looking for coconut derivatives, but it's time to pay more attention to the sodium part of the labels. He also tells me that now he has cut out most of the salt, the little bit he does use is really noticeable. In addition to eliminating smokehouse almonds, it appears the days of dark chocolate with sea salt are over. Must investigate the other dark chocolate offerings. (I'm making this adjustment now because I'm 10 months older than he is ("Irish twins"), putting me in the cross-hairs also.)

Today a trip to the recycle bin (if people flattened their boxes there would be more room for everyone; nowadays I have to go the day after the bins are emptied in order to find room for my flat boxes.) Time to put away some of the materials used in recent projects, and it wouldn't hurt to organize the shelves in the garage where a lot of these boxes of screws and hand tools live.