The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4169158
Posted By: Monique
03-Apr-23 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English

En Sevilla a un sevillano siete hijas le dio Dios (x2)
todas siete fueron hembras
todas siete fueron hembras y ninguno fue varón.

A la más chiquita de ellas le llevó la inclinación (x2)
de ir a servir a la guerra
de ir a servir a la guerra vestidita de varón.

Al montar en el caballo, la espada se le cayó (x2)
por decir ¡maldita sea¡
por decir ¡maldita sea¡, dijo -maldita sea yo.

El rey que lo estaba oyendo, de amores se cautivó: (x2)
-Madre, los ojos de Marcos,
-Madre, los ojos de Marcos, son de hembra, no de varón.

-Convídala tú, hijo mío, a los ríos a nadar (x2)
que si ella fuese hembra,
que si ella fuese hembra, no se querrá desnudar.

Toditos los caballeros se empiezan a desnudar (x2)
y el caballero don Marcos
y el caballero don Marcos se ha retirado a llorar.

-¿Por qué llora usted don Marcos?.- ¿Por qué debo de llorar? (x2)
Por un falso testimonio
Por un falso testimonio que me quieren levantar.

-No llores alma querida, no llores mi corazón, (x2)
que eso que tú tanto sientes,
que eso que tú tanto sientes, eso lo deseo yo.

In Sevilla, God gave seven daughters to a Sevillian (x2)
All seven were female
All seven were female and none was male.

The youngest of them had a calling (x2)
for going to serve in the war
To serve in the war dressed as a man.

When she mounted the horse, her sword fell down (x2)
Instead of saying "Let it be cursed!"
Instead of saying "Let it be cursed!", she said "Let me be cursed!".

The King who was hearing fell in love: (x2)
"Mother, Marcos's eyes,
Mother, Marcos's eyes are a woman's, not a man's."

"Invite her, son, to swim in the river (x2)
As if she'd be female,
As if she'd be female, she won't want to undress."

All the horsemen/knights/gentlemen start to undress (x2)
And the horseman/knight/gentleman don Marcos
And the horseman/knight/gentleman don Marcos withdrew to weep.

"Why are you crying don Marcos?" "Why need I do cry? (x2)
Because of a false testimony
Because of a false testimony they want to take away from me."

"Don't cry, beloved soul, don't cry, my heart, (x2)
For what you're so sorry about,
For what you're so sorry about is what I wish.
"La doncella guerrera" by Joaquín Díaz

There are many versions in Spanish and Portuguese on the Pan Hispanic Ballad Project of the University of Washington

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